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Lawn Flea & Tick Control To Keep Bugs Out Of Your Oxford Yard

Fleas ticks

Lawn flea & tick control is a must for your lawn in Oxford. Organic Lawn Solutions, LLC has seen the damage caused by these and other pests, and it's not pretty. If you're going to invest the time, effort, and finances into cultivating the perfect lawn for your dream home, it's crucial to keep it protected. Too many homeowners focus on services like fungus treatments that, while necessary, are one part of a bigger plan.

You also want to control pests like fleas and ticks to avoid problems for people and pets. Ticks and fleas can be an annoyance at best and a health concern at worst. Keep your yard free from pests that can compromise the wellness of your family and friends.

Contact us when you're ready to discuss your options for lawn flea & tick control. We'll educate you about the organic and more natural approaches available so you can avoid spraying your lawn with pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides.

Yard Treatment For Fleas & Ticks

Did you know that ticks are second only to mosquitoes when it comes to spreading disease? It makes you think more seriously about including pest control as part of your plan for lawn care for Oxford area properties, doesn't it?

Our lawn flea & tick control treatment approach will help save your lawn and protect your loved ones! We'll treat your yard to help eradicate existing fleas and ticks while creating a protective barrier to help ward off a potential infestation.

  • Fleas and ticks are a nuisance that can cause problems like:
  • Damage your grass by causing it to become thin and depleted
  • Force you and your family to coat yourself in bug spray before going outside
  • Prevent a flea problem from moving inside your home

We'll lower the existing population and avoid an infestation from occurring. It's easier to treat and prevent than attempt to eliminate an infestation. However, if that happens, we're equipped to handle that too.

Dealing With Fleas & Ticks

Did you know that one flea on your clothing can be carried into your home to wreak havoc on your household and pets? It can take some time to notice that your home has fleas or that your poor dog is scratching because they're covered in fleas!

Stop the problem at the outside source to prevent tick and flea issues indoors or out. Contact Organic Lawn Solutions, LLC for expert lawn flea & tick control for a healthier, happier Oxford home.